Academic Requirements

All students in the Master’s-to-PhD Bridge Program begin by completing the Master’s degree in physics, chemistry or biology at Fisk University. Upon completion of the Master’s degree and for those students who have performed satisfactorily in coursework and research progress, the joint Fisk-Vanderbilt committee will then recommend to the Dean of the College of Arts and Science and the graduate committee of the department to which you are applying.


Specific courses taken will vary somewhat depending on the level of undergraduate preparation and the specific area of study. However certain core course requirements apply to all students.

* MS degree at Fisk requires at least 21 credit hours of graduate level coursework and 3-6 credit hours of research credits (Fisk course number 591 or 592). Up to 6 credit hours of approved undergraduate courses may be applied toward graduate credit. A total of 30 credit hours are required. After 30 credit hours are earned, Thesis Prep (Fisk course number 599) may be used to maintain full-time status. Fisk graduate courses are numbered 500-599.