You Can Build It: Tools for Bridging Research, Practice, and Scholarship
Tentative Schedule
Day 1: July 15, 2021
9:00am Introduction to the Bridge Program Model and Statement of Objectives
9:30am Center Research Findings Report
11:00am Break
11:15am Discussion of Best Practices and Needs
12:00pm Breakout Rooms and Lunch
1:00pm Participant Talks
2:00pm Share out and Discussion
2:30pm Break
2:45pm Team Strategy Session
4:00pm End of the Day Summary
4:30pm Close of Day 1
Day 2: July 16, 2021
9:00am Bridge Program Admissions Practices
9:45am Bridge Program Retention Practices
10:30am Break
10:45am Tools and Methods for Data Collection and Evaluation
12:00pm Breakout Rooms and Lunch
1:00pm Conducting Research and Avenues for Publication
2:30pm Break
2:45pm Team Strategy Session
4:00pm Share out and Questions
4:30 pm Survey and Meeting Close
5:00pm Conference Concludes