Bridge Program in the News

This article was originally posted on July 28th, 2017.

In the last few months we have seen a number of articles mentioning the Bridge. Here is a links roundup of recent ones!

Here is an unexpected shout out from the Scholarly Hires website.

This is part of an incredible series in Vanity Fair.

This article includes a couple of our students talking about choosing a grad school.

Check out this excerpt of an Article in The Chronicle of Higher Education

The Chronicle of Higher Education: Building a Better 'Bridge' to the Ph.D.

Below is an excerpt of a feature story by Vimal Patel that appeared in The Chronicle of Higher Education May 19, 2016: Feelings of academic inadequacy are common in graduate school, but diversity advocates say they hit black, Hispanic, and American Indian students harder because those groups are sharply underrepresented in academe, especially in science and engineering.